

How I Became A Long-Distance Bicycling Addict

January, 29th, 2016

Here it is a week after the "great blizzard of 2016" and I'm thinking of long bike rides with fully loaded panniers. Hi, my name is Robin and I am a long-distance cycling addict. Yes, I am a touring cyclist junkie. It is an addiction I am proud of and the only support I ask is the encouragement to keep riding. This is my first of many blogs about an activity I am passionate about, and yes, a little addicted to.

My addiction started about forty years ago, circa 1976. It was in that year, the year our Nation was celebrating it's 200th birthday that I heard about a group of folks doing a coast-to-coast bicentennial ride on their bicycles. My thought was; "Wow, how cool would that be to ride across America on a bicycle." So I funneled my newspaper money toward the purchase of a brand new Schwinn 10 speed Continental. I shelled out a whopping $100.00 for that bike. I was going to ride across America.

1976 Schwinn Continental 10spd with credit

So, here I am, forty years later and I have not yet taken that ride across America ... not yet. However, I have taken many other long-distance rides and my plan is to continue to take those rides and who knows, one day, one of those rides may take me across America.

A lot has changed and many things have happened to me in the past forty years and my love of bicycling is one thing that has not changed. After twenty-five and a half years in the Army, my wife and I are now the owners and Innkeepers of Pheasant Field Bed and Breakfast in Carlisle, PA; we are bicycle friendly, of course. And I continue to ride.

Day 1 Apr 2014 5 Day RideIf you're pedaling or driving through south-central PA, and find yourself in the Carlisle area, swing on in for a drink or an overnight stay. In my future blogs, I will share stories of my many miles on a bicycle and hopefully educate you in the rich history and many activities of the Cumberland Valley and south-central PA.

So until our next meeting, ride safe and always wear your helmet!